Sarin McGill Annual Student Essay Contest on Aircraft Finance & Leasing

Sarin & Co., has established this Essay Contest with the main objective of promoting the subject of Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law and encouraging student authors to think creatively and beyond the established rules and principles of law, thereby adding a future-leaning dimension and innovative approach to this ever-evolving field of law.

The winner of the Contest will be flown to Montreal, Canada by Sarin & Co. for a visit to the home of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (“ICAO”) and McGill University. Should a student of McGill University win the contest.

Essay Contest Topic:

“Article 18 of the Chicago Convention and Leased Aircraft”
Following the Russian Federation’s re-registration, without the consent of the lessors or the states of registration, of aircraft leased to Russian operators, what are the implications for leasing and financing of aircraft, for the Chicago Convention, for the rule of law generally, and especially for third countries to which any such aircraft may be flown? Are there any precedents and, if so, how may they be compared and contrasted with the current situation? What solutions might there be?

The Prize

1. One (1) author shall be adjudged as the winner of the Sarin – McGill Annual Student Essay Contest on Aircraft Finance & Leasing for a particular calendar year;
2. The winner shall receive a return air ticket (economy class) by Sarin & Co. from his / her country of residence to visit the IASL for a specially organised tour of the IASL and of McGill University;
3. The winner shall be provided by the IASL with accommodation for two nights along with meals;
4. The winning essay may be published on the Sarin & Co. website. It may also be published in the official academic journal of the IASL, the Annals of Air and Space Law.;
5. Where a student of McGill University is adjudged as the winner, he / she shall receive a return air ticket (economy class) by Sarin & Co. from his / her country of residence to visit Sarin & Co. in Chandigarh,

Eligibility Criteria

1. Any student of law, enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programme in any law school or legal professional training school worldwide, at the time of submission of the entry, shall be considered eligible.

The Essay

1. The essay shall be authored in the English language by a single author;
2. An author may submit only one essay;
3. The essay shall be limited to a maximum of 2500 words including footnotes or endnotes; the following formatting shall be used – Font: Arial / Size: 12 font (main text) and Size 10 (footnotes); Line Spacing: 1.5 (main text) and 1 (footnotes); Margins: 1 inch on all sides; Page Numbers: to be added on each page on the bottom right corner;
4. Authors are permitted to use any major citation format they may be comfortable with.
5. Only essays which are the original work of the author will be considered for the Prize. No part of the essay should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or in a contest elsewhere.

The Registration:

1. Each prospective author must complete and submit the registration form which shall be available on the Sarin & Co. website, i.e.;
2. The registration form must be signed by the prospective author and a .pdf of the signed form must be submitted to along with a scanned copy of the author’s current student identity card to establish his / her institutional affiliation and credentials;
3. The final date for submission of the registration form (along with student identity card) shall be 30 June,2022.

The Submission Process:

1. The essay shall be submitted in both .doc (or .docx) as well as .pdf;
2. The essay shall be submitted to with both attachments; the email should be captioned “Sarin McGill Final Submission,” and should also include “Author’s Name & Student Status”;
3. The final date for submission of the essay shall be 31 August 2022

Registration linkClick Here

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