THIS FAMILY SETTLEMENT is made the _________ day of _________ in the year 20 _________,


age _________ year

alleged adopted son of E.F ________________________________ (hereinafter called the First Party) of the one part


alleged daughter of FF.
(hereinafter called the Second Party) of the second part;


alleged widow of E.F.
(hereinafter called the Third Party) of the third part,

all residents of ____________________________in the city of _________


the said FF. (hereinafter called the Deceased) died on the ________________, at his residential house in _________________________, leaving considerable property all detailed and described in Schedules A and B attached hereto;

AND WHEREAS the said AA., CC. and BB. claim and allege heir ship to the Deceased in their respective rights as described below and the said Second Party has served the other parties with a notice dated _________, and the Third Party has also served a notice dated ____________, to the other parties claiming ownership and possession of the properties left by the Deceased;

AND WHEREAS it is alleged by AA. that he was duly adopted by the Deceased on the _________ day of _________, 20 _________, before the Deceased with his wife GG. left for Burma and settled down in that country;

AND WHEREAS it is alleged by CC. that she is the natural-born daughter of the said GG. and the Deceased, GG. having died soon after delivery in hospital in _________ on the _________ day of _________, 20 _________ when the said CC. was born;

AND WHEREAS it is alleged by BB. that she was duly married in Burma on the _________ day of _________, 20 _________ and is the lawful widow of the Deceased;

AND WHEREAS each party vehemently denies the claim of the others and it is evident that the family properties will be lost in the litigation which is imminent;

AND WHEREAS on the intervention of friends and well-wishers of the family;

THIS SETTLEMENT is made for the benefit of the family generally and for the purpose of avoiding family disputes and litigation whereby the parties are irrevocably bound as below:

1. That the First Party, the alleged adopted son, is in sole possession and occupation of the properties detailed and described at items 1 and 2 of Schedule A (List of Immovable Properties), which said properties the Deceased had acquired prior to his departure to and settlement in Burma and which said properties have ever since remained in the exclusive use of the said AA. shall continue to be held by the First Party, but now as heir of the Deceased in ownership and possession of the same.

2. That the Second Party, the alleged natural-born daughter of the Deceased by his Indian wife GG. is in sole possession and occupation of the properties detailed and described at items 3 and 4 of Schedule A and items 1 and 2 of Schedule B (List of Movable Properties) being fixed deposits standing in the joint names of the Deceased and CC. payable to either or survivor shall be retained by CC. as the Deceased heir in ownership and possession of the same.

3. That the Third Party, the alleged wife, now widow of the Deceased residing with the Deceased in the residential house described as item 5 of Schedule A, together with items 3 and 4 of Schedule B shall retain, own and possess the said properties as widow and heir of the Deceased.

4. That it is further hereby declared and agreed between the parties that this FAMILY SETTLEMENT ends all disputes between the parties relating to the respective rights and claims of the parties to the property of the Deceased and that each party for the purposes of this settlement admits the claim of the other.

IN WITNESS whereof the said AA. (the First Party), CC. (the Second Party) and BB. (the Third Party) have hereunto at _________ signed this deed the day and the year first above written.


1. Sd. _________

First Party.

2. Sd. _________

Second Party.

3. Sd _________

Third Party

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